Saya Siap Membantu Semua Desain Arsitektur Yang Anda Butuhkan.

( Rumah Tinggal, Kantor, Ruko, Hotel, Apartment, Villa, Plaza, Toko,Gudang Dll )

Hanya 3 proses saja Impian anda akan terwujud ikuti langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini……………


- Biaya desain sangat murah, jauh dibawah harga normal.
- Tata letak ruangan di dalam rumah akan lebih teratur
- Memanfaatkan secara maksimal luas lahan.
- Efisien karena konsultasi dapat dilakukan dimanapun Anda / Klien berada.

Desain yang akan Anda / Klien dapatkan meliputi :

- Lay Out
- Site Plan
- Denah lt. 01, dst
- Tampak Depan & Samping
- Potongan A-A & B-B
- Perspektif 1 View

( Semua pengerjaan secara digital atau cetak kertas A3 )

Gratis untuk Anda / Klien yang menggunakan jasa kami :

- 2 (dua) kali revisi gambar (bukan revisi total)
- 2 (dua) kali konsultasi via email/sms/chat/call : 08121795425
- Biaya kirim melalui TiKi di Indonesia
- Desain-desain untuk keperluan tempat ibadah/sosial hanya kena biaya cetak & kirim

Hari Ini Fee Desain : Rp. 20.000,- per m²

Minimal Luas Bangunan 400 m2

< 400 m2 = 400 m2

Bila menghendaki gambar kerja lebih detail

harga nego

Proses Kerja

Untuk mendesain rumah Anda dengan order online, maka berikut tahap proses yang akan dilakukan :

I. Data dari Anda / Klien :

- Ukuran tanah : 20 x 20 = 400 m²

- Jumlah, ukuran dan fungsi ruang (misalnya Anda / Klien menginginkan nanti ruangannya apa aja, bangunannya 2 lantai, ada dapur teras r tamu dll) kalau bisa lampirkan foto/gambar bangunan sebagai pendekatan

- Peraturan bangunan dari lokal dan pemerintah daerah (misalnya garis sepadan bangunan)

- Peta Lokasi ( Arah Mata Angin, posisi lahan ada di mana )

* ANDA SCAN KIRIM EMAIL KE : onarsitek@yahoo.com

Beritahu saya sms ke : 08121795425

II. Analisa dari Kami

- Perkiraan luas bangunan : Mis : 600 m² (Untuk Teras, Selasar dihitung 50 %nya )

Perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 600 m² = Rp. 12.000.000,-

- Kami sampaikan biaya yang harus Anda / Klien bayarkan dan kami akan kirimkan desain awal rumah dalam format jpg / gif via email untuk ditanggapi

- Setelah Anda / Klien setuju, lakukan transfer ke rekening kami sejumlah 50% dari perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 12.000.000 x 50% = Rp. 6.000.000,-

- Kirim konfirmasi pembayaran melalui email/sms ke 08121795425

berupa : *Nama*tanggal transfer*Nominalnya*.

Misal : *Budi*25/03/09*6.000.000*

* HUB SAYA – NEGO – ANDA TRANSFER KE : BNI 46 Cab. Unair Surabaya – 9025202-1

III. Gambar Paket

- Kami kerjakan kurang lebih 2 (dua) minggu (tergantung tingkat kesulitan),

- Selesai dan kondisi akhir luas bangunan 500 m² (termasuk luas teras,selasar dihitung 50 % ) dengan perhitungan biaya :

Total biaya akhir = Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 500 m²

= Rp.10.000.000,-

Sisa pembayaran = Rp.10.000.000,- - Rp. 6.000.000,-

= Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah Desain selesai saya beritahu anda dan kirim format JPG lewat email.

- Anda / Klien melakukan pembayaran sisa transfer

ke rekening kami sejumlah Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah transfer saya terima maka gambar akan saya cetak A3 dan saya kirim ke alamat anda



Cepat Wujudkan IMPIAN ANDA Dengan 3 Proses diatas.

Kontak Saya :


Rachmat Prasetyo, ST



Jl. Jojoran I-G/11 Surabaya

Rabu, 17 November 2010

Tips Membangun Rumah Keluarga

Tips Membangun Rumah Keluarga

Memiliki keluarga yang indah dan harmonis adalah idaman oleh setiap orang, selain itu memiliki rumah tinggal merupakan salah satu impian yang sangat penting dari keluarga, karena dengan rumah tinggal kita dapat tidur dengan nyaman dan nyenyak .

Rumah tinggal yang bagaimana yang tepat untuk rumah keluarga dan nyaman untuk di huni oleh keluarga atau orang yang Anda cintai, berikut kiat dan tipsnya :


Saat memutuskan untuk membangun rumah untuk keluarga. Anda harus memikirkan anggaran yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membangun rumah idaman keluarga Anda.


Siapkan ide, konsep dan desain untuk pembangunan rumah idaman keluarga. Selalu mengajak anggota keluarga untuk mencari ide, konsep dan konsultan arsitek yang tepat untuk proses pembangunan rumah Anda.


Carilah seorang arsitek atau Konsultan arsitek untuk membantu Anda dalam mendesain rumah untuk keluarga. Selain itu konsultan arsitek dapat membantu Anda dalam mewujudkan rumah idaman Anda dan juga membantu Anda dalam menyusun anggaran biaya untuk pembangunan rumah idaman Anda.


Desain yang cocok untuk rumah idaman keluarga Anda adalah rumah keluarga yang dapat membuat nyaman seluruh anggota keluarga. Desain minimalis dan modern atau juga desain yang ramah lingkungan adalah desain yang mungkin cocok dengan keluarga, selain itu dalam pembangunan rumah Anda ajaklah anggota keluarga dalam proses penentuan ide, konsep, desain, pemilihan konsultan arsitek rumah dan pembangunan rumah yang lainnya.
Demikian kiat dan tips untuk pembangunan rumah keluarga, selamat membangun rumah impian keluarga.

Cara Membuat Taman di Rumah

Cara Membuat Taman di Rumah

Taman di dalam rumah atau di sekitar rumah adalah salah satu hal penting yang harus kita perhatikan juga, karena taman dapat menciptakan suasana segar, sejuk dan kenyamanan di sekitar rumah. Taman juga dapat membantu keseimbangan lingkungan sekitar dan membantu dalam mewujudkan kegiatan go green yang akhir – akhir ini harus kita galakan lagi sehingga bumi kita dan udara yang ada semakin bersih dan sejuk, kenapa saya bilang seperti itu karena menurut saya kegiatan – kegiatan go green akhir – akhir sudah berkurang dan tidak berjalan dengan contiuous, nah untuk itu pembangunan taman rumah harus kita galakan untuk mendukung kegiatan go green tersebut, berikut kutipan dan tips yang saya peroleh dari website rumah dan properti :

Menyiapkan Lahan

Kegiatan ini meliputi pekerjaan penggalian dan pembalikan tanah, pengurukan, penggemburan, dan pemberian pupuk atau penambahan unsur hara dalam tanah. Selain untuk mempersipakan lahan tanam yang siap ditanami dan memiliki kontur yang sesuai harapan kita, proses ini juga membebaskan lahan dari gulma yang akan mengganggu pertumbuhan tanaman nantinya.

Membuat Konstruksi Taman

Dalam proses ini perencanaan dan pembuatan jalan setapak dilakukan. Elemen ini penting untuk jalur sirkulasi di taman sehingga segala aktivitas di taman yang dilakukan kemudian hari tidak mengganggu keberlangsungan tumbuhnya tanaman dan elemen lainnya. Sesuai dengan luasnya taman, desain dan material jalan setapak bisa dibuat dalam berbagai pilihan untuk membuat konstruksi taman sebaiknya mintalah bantuan dari Konsultan arsitek agar taman Anda dapat berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.

Menentukan Elemen Keras Taman (Hardscape)

Yang termasuk dalam elemen keras taman adalah aneka pot, bebatuan, lampu, dan aksesori lain yang akan dipakai sebagai pelengkap taman, baik yang berperan fungsional maupun estetis.

Elemen Lunak Taman (Softscape)

Aneka jenis tanaman, pilihannya direncanakan di proses ini. Hal yang dipertimbangkan menyangkut masalah jenis tanaman (perdu, semak, dan pelindung). Tentang wama (bunga maupun daun) jugs menjadi hal yang harus diperhatikan karena menentukan kesemarakan taman yang tercipta dan harmonisasi wama yang ada.

Penanaman dan Peletakar Hardscape

Melakukan penanaman tanaman dimulai dari jenis tanaman pelindung (yang tinggi) dan seterusnya adalah tanaman yang lebih rendah sampai ke tanaman penutup tanah. Penyebaran batu koral, kerikil, step stone, dan pemasangan lampu taman dan aksesori lain dilakukan setelah penanaman sebaiknya untuk hal ini Anda bisa berkonsultasi kepada Konsultan arsitek yang sudah Anda tunjuk untuk pembangunan taman pada rumah idaman Anda.

Pembersihan Lahan

Kegiatan pembersihan sampai sisa hasil pengerjaan taman. Setelah taman bersih dari sampah sisa, baru dilakukan penyiraman secukupnya. Dan selanjutnya dilakukan perawatan rutin seperti pemangkasan dan penyiraman yang teratur.
Kita ciptakan taman rumah dengan ide, konsep dan desain kita sendiri serta mari terus galakan program go green dan buat bumi kita semakin hijau, sejuk serta tidak ada lagi musibah atau bencana alam.

Tips Memilih Jasa Kontraktor

Tips Memilih Jasa Kontraktor

Kontraktor atau konsultan arsitek untuk rumah adalah penting dalam pembangunan rumah atau gedung, selain itu kontraktor / konsultan arsitek yang sudah Anda pilih juga harus memiliki pengetahuan, pengalaman dan keahlian dalam konstruksi rumah, gedung atau bangunan. Ada beberapa point penting dalam pemilihan kontraktor atau konsultan arsitek untuk rumah, gedung atau bangunan modern yang sedang Anda pikirkan untuk di bangun oleh Anda.

Ada beberapa cara untuk memilih kontraktor atau konsultan arsitek yang baik yang saya kutip dari situs hilmy jaya :

Cara yang baik untuk memilih kontraktor atau konsultan arsitek yang tepat , Anda harus mengunjungi dan lihat pekerjaan yang telah dilakukannya. Minta ijin dan masuk kedalam hasil pekerjaannya dan periksa didalam. Ini akan membantu Anda memutuskan apakah Anda cocok dengan hasil pekerjaannya, dan bagaimana pikiran Anda tentang proyek kontraktor atau konsultan arsitek yang bersangkutan.

Beranikan diri untuk bertanya kepada rekan kerja dari sang kontraktor atau konsultan arsitek rumah pilihan Anda, tanya mengenai cara berkerja, berapa jangka waktu yang di perlukan oleh kontraktor rumah pilihan Anda. Selain itu Anda juga tanyakan study case apa saja yang sudah di kerjakan oleh kontraktor dan konsultan arsitek pilihan Anda

Selalu cek dan mintalah kepada kontraktor rumah mengenai surat - surat legalitas, seperti SIUP, Gapensi dan surat penting lainnya.

Beberapa hal dapat diteliti secara online di rumah juga, tergantung pada ukuran perusahaan. Hal-hal yang Anda ingin ketahui adalah berapa lama perusahaan sudah pengalaman dalam pekerjaan tersebut, apa reputasi perusahaan di pasar, apa jenis pengalaman industri yang dimilikinya, dan apakah perusahaan tersebut merupakan konstruktor profesional full-time atau hanya paruh waktu.

Konsultasikan keinginan Anda dengan anggota keluarga mengenai kontraktor atau konsultan arsitek pilihan Anda sehingga keluarga dapat membantu dan memberikan masukan kepada Anda dalam pemilihan kontraktor rumah atau bangunan.
Terakhir, Anda akan ingin tahu apa jenis GARANSI disediakan oleh Perusahaan Bangunan Gedung. Ingat bahwa kontraktor yang menawarkan GARANSI yang sangat baik dan layanan purna jual adalah KONTRAKTOR yang percaya diri untuk menyediakan layanan lainnya seperti kerusakan badai dan perbaikan atap juga. Ini hanyalah indikator KONTRAKTOR berkualitas yang Anda pilih.

Trend Lantai Parket

Trend Lantai Parket

Pada era sekarang ini kita mengenal banyak sekali jenis lantai, ada marmer, keramik, parket, kayu dsb. Namun kini para pemilik rumah lebih mengincar parket sebagai finishing lantainya. Apa kelebihan lantai parket dari lantai-lantai lainnya?Tentu saja keindahan yang disertai kenyamanan. Keindahannya adalah keindahan kayu, yaitu warna dan serat- serat alami yang terbentuk sepanjang masa tumbuh pohonnya.

Lantai parket merupakan lantai khusus yang juga membawa beberapa keterbatasannya sehingga kalau di rumah tinggal hanya cocok digunakan di ruang tidur, makan, ruang keluarga, ruang duduk, mungkin juga dapur. Untuk ruang luar atau daerah basah, Anda harus memakai lantai kayu utuh nonparket. Lantai parket berbeda dengan lantai kayu zaman dulu yang terbuat dari papan kayu utuh. Parket terbuat dari partikel kayu yang diserut dan dipadatkan membentuk lapisan kayu dengan ketebalan sekitar 10 mm. Kini pilihan motif, tekstur, dan warna lantai parket makin beragam. Ada yang bernuansa coklat tua, coklat muda, krem, dan sebagainya.

Material kayu untuk parket di Indonesia, umumnya berjenis kayu jati, kayu merbau, kayu kelapa, kayu sungkai, kayu sonokeling, kayu bengkirai dan kayu ulin yang digunakan oleh arsitek rumah. Yang terakhir ini terbilang mahal dan agak sulit dicari baik oleh jasa desain interior rumah ataupun jasa arsitek rumah.

Keunggulan lainnya dari parket adalah kenyamanannya. Sifatnya yang hangat tak cuma dari tampilan tapi juga saat dirasakan. Di lantai parket anda bisa tidur berbaring tanpa kuatir merasa kedinginan. Andesit

Membangun Rumah dengan Pintar

Membangun Rumah dengan Pintar

Mempunyai rumah yang sehat dan ramah lingkungan adalah impian atau dambaan setiap kepala rumah tangga, namun bagaimana caranya untuk mewujudukan rumah yang memilik arsitek design sehat dan ramah lingkungan ? berikut kiatnya :

Konsultasikan bentuk arsitek design rumah Anda kepada konsultan arsitek sehingga rumah sehat dan ramah lingkungan bisa Anda wujudkan.

Arsitek Design

Arsitek design yang baik untuk rumah adalah ramah lingkungan dan tidak menganggu ekosistem lingkungan sekitar Anda seperti membuat taman di pekarangan rumah, sistem pembuangan yang baik, ventilasi udara yang baik dan lainnya.

Taman Rumah

Buatlah taman rumah pada rumah dan tanamilah dengan berbagai macam jenis tanaman yang dapat menyerap air cukup banyak.


Buatlah kolam ikan pada pekarangan rumah seperti pada taman rumah sehingga suasana rumah akan terasa lebih sejuk dan lebih terasa menyegarkan.
Semoga berguna dan bermanfaat. Andesit

Cahaya Sangat Penting Untuk Rumah

Cahaya Sangat Penting Untuk Rumah

Rumah mungil atau arsitek rumah minimalis bukanlah hal yang menjadi masalah untuk mendesain rumah baik interior dan eksterior karena ada trik dan tipsnya untuk mengakali rumah munggil Anda, berikut tips yang saya kutip dari situs kumpulaninfo :


Arsitek Ruangan yang terang dapat menjadi salah satu cara agar ruangan lebih terlihat luas. Maka, buatlah ruangan rumah Anda dengan pencahayaan yang cukup terang.

Jendela besar

Agar pandangan lebih luas, Anda dapat menggunakan jendela ukuran besar pada bagian depan rumah. Dengan demikian, penghuni rumah dapat melihat area yang luas di luar rumah dengan mudah seperti taman atau jalan. Hal ini akan memberi kesan luas.

Atap yang tinggi

Jika ruangan Anda terbatas luasnya, dengan membuat atap lebih tinggi dapat memberi kesan ruang lebih lega karena adanya cukup ruang ke atas.

Warna cerah

Cat rumah, warna gorden atau furnitur sebaiknya menggunakan warna-warna yang terang. Warna putih pada tembok dapat menjadi salah satu pilihan untuk ruangan yang sempit. Atau jika Anda ingin menggunakan wallpaper pada dinding, pilihlah wallpaper dengan motif kecil.


Penggunaan cermin merupakan hal yang paling sering digunakan untuk memberi kesan luas pada ruangan. Dengan cermin, Anda seolah-olah memiliki ruangan yang dua kali lebih besar karena pantulannya.

Kurangi Sekat

Sekat antar ruangan dapat membuat rumah terasa tidak lapang. Untuk itu, Anda dapat mengurangi penggunaan sekat. Misalnya tips berikut bisa diterapkan yaitu menghilangkan sekat antara ruang makan dengan dapur.
Jadi jangan minder lagi apabila Anda memiliki rumah munggil karena kita telah mendapatkan solusi terbaiknya. Andesit

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Formerly Dutch Insurance Company : Jiwasraya (2)

Formerly Dutch Insurance Company : Jiwasraya (2)


Similar post here.



Tips for Searching Cheap Quotes

Tips for Searching Cheap Quotes

Do you feel at times that you are spending a little extra on what you could get for a cheaper amount? Is it your home insurance for which you are paying extra? You can save a little amount if you look for cheap home insurance specifically. It won't be hard to find a cheap home insurance policy as there number of choices available in the market for you. These companies want to remain in business and make profits so they understand needs of different customers and give them the required policy.

These insurance companies provide cheap home insurance quotes for its customers. But before looking into these quotes and deciding on one that you think is appropriate for you, you should prepare yourself and get the information that is important before finalizing the contract. You have to make a right decision as it is a very important one. It is the right kind of home insurance policy that will protect you against all dangers ahead. Therefore you need to be well informed before taking the decision and you should also take your own time before signing the policy.

Here are some important things that you should keep in mind while searching for cheap quotes. The policy that you choose should be the one that promises quick results. Also with good services, money is also very important. If you can save some money and still have a decent policy then it is simply awesome. While looking for home insurance quotes see for the company as well. If you choose a company that is reputed with good past record and customer satisfaction then it is worth investing with that company. Ask in the market and also some customers to find out about the company. Also company should be reachable at the time when customers go to file claims. The response of the company and the services should be up to the mark. Also company should be efficient in handling emergency requirements.

To save more money and time you can look for home insurance quotes on internet. You don't need to enter any of your personal details while searching for quotes on these sites. Just you are required to answer few questions about the kind of policy you are looking for and your postal code. It is the easiest way to get home insurance quotes fro

Steps To Find Cheap Home Insurance Policy

Steps To Find Cheap Home Insurance Policy

People think that home insurance are very expensive. Gone are those days when home insurance were not that affordable. These days more number of people is buying home insurance policies for a secure future so more number of insurance providers have come up with flexible policies. All people have different needs so that need different types of coverage plan and thus a very different type of insurance policy.

But for some people it is still not easy to cut down some share if the budget every month and pay for the premium. So for such people there are cheap insurance policy. As such people need home insurance policy mare than others so that they don't come on road when there is some damage done to there house or house is completely destroyed because of some calamity. Below are few steps that can help one find cheap home insurance quotes:

* Nicely estimate the value of all your belongings including furniture, jewellery, accessories, appliance etc. also the replacement value of all these items should be rightly determined. Try and keep the estimate as accurate as possible. * Shop for the policy like you shop for all other items. Look with different companies for there home insurance rates. You can request for quotes from various insurance providers. * Reevaluate all you estimate and then look for prices and coverage from various companies you have. You should have an idea about the kind of coverage you want. Keep in mind that a cheap policy might not meet all your needs and not cover your property as you want to so think rightly and logically before deciding the type. * If you are willing to perchance some other insurance policy as well then you can combine all the policy and insure with the same provider to have some extra benefits and discounts. If you already own other insurance policy then also you can approach your old company itself for the new policy. This way you can enjoy lower premium rates. * You may also get some extra discount if you have security system installed in your house. These insurance companies shave tie ups with some such security services so if you go to these services then you can enjoy discount on both the services. A cheap policy should also be a decent one that can keep you protected at all times and also the service of the company should be quick.

Centre Point

Centre Point


CPW Schoemaker designed this store in 1925, located on Jalan Braga Bandung.

Ways to Find Cheap Home Insurance Policies

Ways to Find Cheap Home Insurance Policies

by alien

A home insurance policy is as important as your home. Some people think that home insurance is waste of time and money. This is not true. Like all other insurance policies home insurance is a good investment. It is investment for your good future. Home insurance protects you from any kind of financial burden that may come with damage to your house. Think of the situation when your house is burnt down due to fire or is damaged due to flood. The cost of repairing or rebuilding the property can shake your financial position. To protect yourself from any of the financial problems it is very important to invest in home insurance policies.

If you cannot afford a very expensive policy then there are so many policies that are very cheap and affordable. You just need to look for such policies. There are many ways to make your home insurance policy very cheap and affordable. There are many factors that are not negotiable and determine the cost of your policy like location of your house, risks in that area, etc. apart from these terms there are other ways to reduce the amount of premium. You can reduce the premium amount by installing various safety or protective devices such as security alarm in your house. This helps you reduce the premium charges by about fifteen percent. If your house is registered under night surveillance companies of your locality then even that can help reduce the cost. Then you can increase the amount of deductibles so that the premium charges are low. Also if you combine all your insurance policies like car, health, home, etc. and insure with same insurer then you can ask for some extra discounts and special benefits from your insurer.

You can go to the internet and find a site that has quotes from different companies. Just type the zip code or postal code of the place where your house is located and answer few questions about the type of policy you are looking for and you will have list of all the appropriate policies with the quotes from there companies. Just compare the quotes and find the one that is cheapest and most affordable according to you. This helps you to find a policy that is best for you. Go ahead with the policy and finalize it with the company. But make sure the company you choose is reputed and trustable with good records.

Elita Bioscoop from above

Elita Bioscoop from above


This is the view taken from Great Mosque of Bandung. Similar post here for front facade view.

Pay Less, Get Insured With Cheap Home Policy

Pay Less, Get Insured With Cheap Home Policy

Paying more than you bargained for is of no use. I mean when insuring your home. Finding affordable home insurance is now made easy. There are basic things that you need to know so as to help you save money when purchasing a home insurance. It is no more news that insurance especially home insurance might be difficult to understand and that is why you have to consider the basis which is Building, Ancillary (outer door areas and buildings) and Contents.

The Building coverage is responsible for the property owned and the dangers that follows. It could cover external damages, storm damages, and fire and so on. While the Ancillary coverage is for the outer buildings, personal possessions that are used and damages outer side the home and also garden furniture. But the content coverage covers the items and possessions in the house. There are certain items that needs to be covered separately they are regarded as valuable items.

They include technology and jewelry. The main coverage for contents is fire, accidents, theft and damages.

In some policies, the 3 coverage could be found together while in some it is separate. But the factors that help you know if you could find a cheap home insurance easily are: 1. Where your property is situated 2. The age of your property 3. The worth of property and requirements for its coverage 4. The security level of your property 5. The number of residents in the property.

When it comes to the number of residents and the location of the property, the changes might not be much because it is difficult to move a building but it can help bring down cost rates for your policy.

Visit any quotes comparison website, select at least 5 quotes from different insurer and make your choice.

Looking for the right ways to go about this?

Looking For Ideal and Trusted Quotes?

For Angels : St. Angela

For Angels : St. Angela


Founded by Dutch Ursuline Nuns (Agustine Philipsen) in 1905 as Catholic school only for female students. The name of St. Angela was formally introduced in 1923 and now the school still exist on jalan Merdeka 24 Bandung.




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Javasche Bank

Javasche Bank


One of the beautiful collonial architecture by Thomas Karsteen. Constructed for Bank of Java in 1931 and now is Bank of Indonesia Building. Location : Jalan Braga Bandung. bi3



Ex Police Headquarter

Ex Police Headquarter


This is one of my favorite Art Deco building with colorful windows at the facade. Built by CPW Schoemaker in 1917 and was used as Police Headquarter. Streamlines and simple, yet make one of the most important architecture achievement during art deco era in Bandung city. The building is vacant and the local municipal has still no idea what to do with this jewel.




Hiring an Architect - Great Value Begins With a Great Home Design

Hiring an Architect - Great Value Begins With a Great Home Design

A good architect or residential designer can make your new or existing home unique. If you're looking for a truly custom home for a new building project, a home designer has the experience and tools you need.

It's an investment in quality and comfort.

Question: When should we hire an architect ... and why?


The quick and easy answer to this question is; every time you build a new home or plan a home addition. Architects are creators, designers, and structural professionals. Many will also work with structural engineers and even interior designers.

Custom home building demands custom design. And, with a major remodel where additions are planned, you will most certainly require some form of home design professional. You cannot expect to get what you want or match the look and functionality of your home without a home designer.

Home Designing Exceptions That Work

Rarely are home building answers black and white and as simple as saying "do this ... don't do that." And, when it comes to home plans, you definitely have other options besides hiring an architect.

Online and off, there are pre-drawn house plans for homes in nearly every size, style, and quality you can imagine. Some of them are quite good. You can find quality construction, good design, and very competitive pricing. But, the one thing you give up the most is having a true custom home. That's something to consider before you purchase.

Why an Architect Could be Your Best Bet

Here are some popular reasons to hire an architect to design your home:

Local codes & restrictions may require a local & licensed architect
You want a truly custom home designed to your specifications
You want a skilled designer to wow you!
You want ongoing design support during your construction
If you do use an architect, get clear on what you want early in the process to avoid lengthy and expensive re-works on the design.

Broken view : Bandung Post Office

Broken view : Bandung Post Office




Kantor Pos Besar Bandung (formerly Posten Telegraaf Kantoor) on Jalan Asia Afrika. Built in 1928 by J Van Gent with Art Deco Style.
Local government has constructed the pedestrian bridge including giant videotron resulting unfavorable view in surrounding landscape.

Custom Home Design and Building Services

Custom Home Design and Building Services

Home is the place where our heart resides. For that proper construction of home is very important. For that home should be designed or constructed according to the needs of customer. Choice of customer should be given first priority. After all it is he who will stay once the building is constructed. For that builders should always guide the customer correctly. So that the house is made for the long run. It is not so easy to construct home. Construction of house requires lots of patience money and even good health to face all the problems while constructing a house.

Home construction is an art for that designing perfect house builders should be little cautious. For constructing home first the area should be good. It should have nice locality with good neighbors. The house should be situated from where all the basic requirements of the house should be near. Then the house should be constructed according to the budget. The budget of the customer should not exceed. The rooms and space should also be according to the family members of the customer. It should be good to ask in advance that what type and rooms they needed. Whether they need any basement or terrace. If needed terrace then how big should be the terrace.

Then the type of exterior needed like by customer. There is wide range of exterior finishes for house. Are available. Like cedar, aluminum, stucco, shake, brick, vinyl, hardboard, shell dash and many other types of siding. The house should be constructed according to the climatic condition of the place. Then for the interior of the house rooms should be decorated according to the people living. Like living room should be according to elders in house. Children rooms should made according to their comfortable. Like all the things should be placed within their reach. Drawing room should be constructed according to the taste of customer. Whether they want marble flooring or granite. They can also use Mountain Beige marble, Silver Beige marble, Pearl Beige marble, black granite countertops, Houston, sealing granite, concrete stone, natural stone, Quartz stone, engineered quartz. All depend upon the customer.

There is wide range of furniture available. So furniture should be place with the taste of customer. But furniture should not be so big that it will create difficulty while moving around the house. There are many ranges of furniture are there in market like Ashley furniture, Pulaski furniture, sofa bed, , Brooklyn furniture, Recliners chair, Coffee Table, contemporary furniture, dinette sets, leather sofa, Dining & Dinette Sets they are available in all prices. So according to the customer’s house furniture should be placed. With that matching curtains cushion covers and decorated pieces made up of different artificial and natural stones can be kept. Even beautiful marble lamp shades fire mantel can be placed if the customer wanted. Even various granite countertop slabs can use for kitchen.

So whatever may be the design of the house it should always be remembered while designing the house that who will stay. If the person staying only does not like then all hard work will be waste. So before designing the house the plan should be shown to the customer and his opinion should be taken.

from: creaflash.net

The Sacred : St. Peter Chatedral

The Sacred : St. Peter Chatedral


One of the master piece from Ir . Charles Proper Wolff Schoemaker who commissioned this chatedral in 1921. Located on Jalan Merdeka no. 14 Bandung. See more pictures below.




This entry was posted on December 13, 2008 at 12:00 AM and is filed under Merdeka, Jalan, Mosques/Church.

Custom House Plans – Finding Quality Custom Home Design With Design Alternatives

Custom House Plans – Finding Quality Custom Home Design With Design Alternatives

Drawing custom house plans is an expansive industry, but finding a quality designer with construction experience can be more difficult. Although many individuals claim to be qualified custom home designers, you can determine these qualifications by examining their finished product and verifying satisfaction with their former clients. Quality designs, highly detailed house plans and customer satisfaction are all attributes of an experienced custom home designer.

Integrating many different concepts and functions is necessary to draw a good set of custom house plans. Many designers can come up with interesting ideas, but they are unable to convey these ideas with detailed construction drawings to the home builders. They can draw a nice conceptual picture, but these individuals have little or no construction knowledge to translate these ideas into a detailed set of house plans in which the builder can understand. It is necessary to not only have a keen eye for design, but also a strong understanding of what can be built and how it can be built affordably.

Having been in the home design and construction industry for 20 years, Design Alternatives has seen a large number of house plans which appeared complete at first glance. Although further examination sometimes revealed that these so called custom house plans lacked large amounts of pertinent information. If a set of construction drawings is not easy to read or thoroughly detailed, the builder is left to make his own interpretation which inevitably leads to guesswork. This ultimately means increased building costs since he will have to inflate his bid to make sure he covers any unknown construction costs.

When evaluating the quality level of house plans, certain items to check are the amount of pertinent dimensions, notes and details. Highly detailed sets of custom house plans will always include the necessary information to build the house in a productive and affordable way. You will find many home plans available today are incomplete while only showing the design concept rather than the detail. Any time your builder is left to guess at how something will be built, it will obviously add cost to your home construction project. Not all designers go the extra mile to create a quality and useful finished set of house plans, so make sure the custom home designer you select has design as well as construction knowledge.

Design Alternatives Custom Home Design takes pride in offering its clients quality custom house plans which comes from the vast experience received during its 20 years in the custom home design and construction industry. This experience along with the long list of satisfied clients has proven to be the driving force of success for Design Alternatives.

thanks for: creaflash.net

Commercial bank : what a shocking color …

Commercial bank : what a shocking color …



Nederlandsch Indische Escompto Mij at Jalan Asia Afrika 51 Bandung. Architect : J Van Gent, built between 1928-19331.

Another art deco building on Jalan Asia Afrika Bandung used by one of local bank. The faded blue paint contradict with the majority of white color in Art Deco building here. Wondering hard the aesthetic taste of the owner (probably the bank) who want the color symbolizes theirs. The government should take precautions when renting this jewel of artchitecture to parties that don’t understand the heritage of this city.

For moviegoers : Elita Bioscoop

For moviegoers : Elita Bioscoop


For Bandung moviegoers during the golden era, Elita a cinema building located in Jalan Dalem Kaum Bandung. A local footbal club now using this building and turn into futsal field.

Custom Home Design – Important Floor Plan Considerations by Design Alternatives

Custom Home Design – Important Floor Plan Considerations by Design Alternatives

During the development of your custom home design, there are numerous floor plan features that should be considered. Maximizing the enjoyment of your custom home can be accomplished by devoting ample thought to key areas of the overall floor plan. Areas of consideration for your custom home design should include and open layout concept, ceiling heights, traffic flow, recreational areas, sight lines and exterior views.

Becoming a key feature of almost every custom home design, an open floor plan concept allows better flow between spaces. A good custom home design floor plan will maximize the useful square footage of the custom home while also creating a sense of special separation. One way to achieve this effect is implementing half walls as a design element between rooms. Maximizing the open concept for your custom home design can also be done by separating each space with a change in floor treatments. The open concept can also have some influence on how the ceiling heights affect the whole design.

Varying ceiling heights or changing the design elements of the ceiling can also create an open feeling throughout the custom home. Tall ceilings and vaulted ceilings are popular trends used to create the open concept of the custom home design floor plan. It is common to see ceilings in great rooms achieving heights of 20 feet either by vaulting or 2-story space. Additionally you will find ceiling heights of 9 to 10 feet in kitchens, dining rooms and bedrooms of new custom homes.

Particularly in an open concept custom home design, the floor plan must cater to the overall traffic flow throughout the home. Single story custom homes typically have bedrooms adjacent to a family room or media room. When designing these areas, Design Alternatives also makes sure too much traffic flow doesn’t cross over one another since the kitchen is usually located in proximity of the family room as well. Although the importance of traffic flow is often neglected in custom home design, experienced designers will also give much consideration to the location of stairways in the overall traffic flow scheme.

Home technology and home theaters have also increased the necessity and importance of recreational areas as a key aspect of custom home design. Adequate thought must be given to not only identify where the television screen will be located, but also how the furniture will lay out around the home theater speakers and components. If the recreational area is not attached to the kitchen, consideration must also be given to including a wet bar as part of this floor plan concept.

As previously mentioned the open concept has become an increasingly important feature of new custom home design. By creating an open floor plan, it opens up sight lines between spaces and to the outside. A quality custom home design incorporates wall openings and doorway locations to utilize critical sight lines. Limiting sight lines not only creates a mundane space, but will also make the whole house feel smaller due to the visual obstructions. These sight lines should open up all the way to the exterior surroundings as well.

Locating the house on the building site is just as important as the custom home design itself. Care should be given in considering how the sun will enhance the natural lighting throughout the home. If there are certain views that should be maintained, window type and positioning are also critical features which need to be planned out. Design Alternatives Custom Home Design incorporates all these important aspects when designing each and every floor plan. Your dream home is a big investment, so your custom home design should be completed by a designer who knows how to maximize all these important features.

Home of Java Man : Geology Museum

Home of Java Man : Geology Museum


Geology museum which was build in 1928 with Art Deco style by Menalda van. Schowenberg. This museum host Pithecanthropus erectus or Java man.

Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia visited the museum in 1960. Located in Jalan Diponegoro Bandung.



Custom Home Design - Affordable Housing Solutions For Your Dream Home

Custom Home Design - Affordable Housing Solutions For Your Dream Home

Mass production have overtaken the world, so that will be found few valuable handmade goods. Mass production has made the housing market. Track homes litter the highways filled with one-size-fits-all homes.

Unique handcrafted homes are becoming less common and often even better value than their vanilla counterparts. Well built custom home designs also tend to sell quickly even in weak markets.

Many people shy away from custom home construction through timeand a cost, however, many architects have the surprisingly affordable and can help you work within a strict budget, and helps you the most cost-effective materials.

Custom Home design is not only related to extensive lands and houses alone, small cabins, single-level homes, or even futuristic space savers are created on a reasonable budget. Most architects are happy to work with you to plan, regardless of size or scope of the projects that you need to.

The advantages ofcustom residences on existing homes are numerous. In addition to maintaining a better value, you have the freedom to create a dwelling for you and your family's specific needs. This is especially useful if someone in your household have special needs such as difficulty walking.

So you are not only able to create a residence that is aesthetically pleasing, but it can be highly functional for the individual as well. Wheelchair ramps and wider doors can be added for the physicallycalled into question. Cabinets and doors can be adapted to people below the average in stature.

Custom home design also means that you ample opportunity to discuss your plans and visions will have one-on-one with the architect. They will be closely involved in all aspects and be able to last-minute decisions and changes, if necessary. You will have ultimate control over the final result, if it fits your individual needs.

But with this comes great Responsibility. It is important to communicate effectively with the architects and to know when compromise is necessary. You want a style you'll love, but remember, you hired a professional architect for a reason. Careful budgeting is also necessary, because even the smallest changes can occur with a high price.

If the customized design is still out of reach price-wise, there are some reasonable alternatives are available. Many architects can offer to meet halfway and Semi-customized> Plans. In this case, is an architect with a few different pre-existing projects in the pipeline, which then further adjusted or changed slightly.

For example, like the popular modular kitchens, you can choose furniture, flooring, tile and appliances, and other options, depending on the arrangement and budget constraints. This is also helpful in narrowing options if you feel overwhelmed by the possibilities of a tabula rasa.

If you are thinking aboutmake your own home to many architects and builders can offer consultation and guidance to help you get started. Setting a budget early on can help you reduce your decisions and a clear idea of what is possible.

Make your dream home a reality sooner than you think. Due to custom designs, your home is an original, standing out from the mass quantity produced.

Abandon Building : Swarha

Abandon Building : Swarha



Swarha on Jalan Asia Afrika Bandung. Architect CPW Schoemaker built the building during the period of 1930-1935. Formerly hotel and stores, but abandon since 60′s.

Bethel Church

Bethel Church


Bethel Church at jalan Wastukencana 1 Bandung. Built by CPW Schoemaker in 1925. More pictures below :







At first glance, this structure seems more like an ancient monument or work of abstract public art than a livable contemporary home. Once one realizes that it is, in fact, a dwelling space, it appears to be as ultramodern as they come. However, first glances and initial appearances can be deceiving: this deceptively megalithic design is in fact rooted in ancient traditions of Japanese home building.

Wilt U heerlijke Koffie drinken

Wilt U heerlijke Koffie drinken


Koffie Fabriek Aroma, at Jalan Banceuy 51 Bandung. One of the oldest store in Bandung built during the 30s. This art deco style store is the place for all of coffee lover who passionate of a strong black coffee, either arabica or robusta type.



Nederlansche Handel Maatschappij Bank

Nederlansche Handel Maatschappij Bank



Nederlansche Handel Maatschappij Bank by Edward Cupyers, built in 1912. Location : Jalan Asia Afrika 61 Bandung.

Geology Museum (2)

Geology Museum (2)


Again, the home of Java Man or Geology Museum on Jalan Diponegoro (formerly Rembrandt Straat) , Bandung. You might want to check similar posting here.








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